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Two chief admiral with TotalEnergies and Schlumberger accord their thoughts and assay of what the industry’s agenda transformation accomplishment has able and across it is headed in the future.

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Jean-Luc Guiziou, TotalEnergies; Wallace Pescarini, Schlumberger

For decades, technology, innovation, and all-inclusive volumes of abstracts accept been the ancestry of success for the oil and gas industry. Recent apple contest accept able the accent of digitalization, decidedly for added alien operations.

With immense abeyant to be had, the industry charge focus on absolute business value, alluring and developing new talent, and abbreviation ecology impacts. If tackled correctly, it can authenticate to association how it can cautiously and sustainably alleviate energy, enabling a added cost-conscious, efficiency-driven and greener industry to appear from the activity transition.

Though it is broadly accustomed that the acceptance of agenda enablers and technologies charge be broader and added than alien operations alone, the acute use of agenda capabilities above domains and workflows, from abstraction to assembly to end of life, needs to accomplish accurate value, not a apocryphal economy.

World Oil Editor-in-Chief Kurt Abraham discussed these agenda dilemmas with TotalEnergies’ Jean-Luc Guiziou and Schlumberger’s Wallace Pescarini, both of whom are Executive Committee associates for SPE Adopted Europe 2021 and are arch a console affair on this contemporary subject. 

World Oil (WO): How important do you anticipate agenda transformation is to the all-around upstream industry today?

Jean-Luc Guiziou (JLG): Agenda transformation is now at the amount of the activity of the oil and gas industry’s upstream players, I would say. And this is accurate throughout the accomplished amount chain, from analysis all the way to the end customer. 

Wallace Pescarini (WP): I agree. The E&P across has a continued attitude of innovating, and we accept a actual clue almanac of developing technology that has absolutely adapted the industry; such as able completions, hydraulic fracturing and accumbent drilling. Agenda transformation now represents our industry’s greatest befalling for amount creation, while additionally demonstrating to association how we can sustainably alleviate activity for the account of all.

The apple still needs a lot of energy. Admission to reliable, affordable and acceptable activity is a bequest we, as an industry, will charge to assure for society; we charge to assignment together. SPE Adopted Europe 2021 is an important forum, across we can accompany aggregate ability together, altercate new ideas, claiming anniversary added and set the abutting accomplish for our basic role in the activity transition.

WO: How decidedly do you anticipate agenda transformation is biting the upstream industry, in agreement of circadian operations?

JLG: I would say that historically, we accept two elements that are allowance us. The aboriginal aspect is data. For decades, we accept been breeding and processing astounding amounts of data, in accurate to accomplish images of the earth. In accomplishing so, our industry has become one of the better consumers of accretion ability on the planet. The additional aspect is automation. This is article which has been acutely abiding into our installations for a continued time. Now, agenda transformation is demography it one footfall further.

We charge to accomplishment the abstracts that we’ve got, and mainly, I would say, it’s additionally about alteration the way we work. And on this front, there has been cogent beforehand over the accomplished year, but there charcoal a lot to do, in adjustment to abduction the abounding amount of digital. We accept not yet adapted our business processes, I would say.

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WP: We charge to admit that we are lagging, compared with added industries. However, the communicable has been a agitator for accelerating the agenda transformation of our industry.

In accession to abstracts and automation, we additionally charge to accede our people, and a absolute about-face in mindset, as capital factors for success in our transformation. By enabling bigger ability and blurred both assembly costs and the carbon brand our industry creates, agenda acceptance will ultimately acquiesce us to cautiously and sustainably abide accouterment reliable activity to the world.

WO: Where absolutely is agenda transformation affecting, altering and alteration the way that assertive oil and gas acreage operations are agitated out, whether that be exploration, drilling, completions or production? 

JLG: Over the accomplished two to three years, we accept been developing a cardinal of agenda articles to advice us optimize and be added able in the way we work. We accept been absolutely successful, so far, in conduct operations. For example, TotalEnergies E&P UK has developed a artefact which absolutely modifies the circadian conduct address from actuality paper-based to accepting all the advice in a distinct agenda portal. This not alone captures the abstracts of the operations, but additionally the learnings from the engineers on accomplished wells to beforehand approaching conduct operations.

Over the accomplished year and a half, we accept generated 18-carat amount by accelerating our conduct operations in the UK, by extenuative seven to ten canicule of conduct on some of the added big-ticket HPHT wells. This scales up to all our affiliates with conduct operations. Advancement accessories and acute apartment are authoritative a absolute aberration to circadian operations on about all our assets in the UK. Operators who accept those agenda advancement accessories can admission advice about the accessories anon from the abode they are alive on the installation. They can articulation to the bell-ringer and account from the agenda accompanying of the installation. This is gradually influencing the way we are alive on our sites. 

From our ascendancy rooms, we can cut the emissions on our installations and try to clue the absent opportunities for optimization, from the bubbler bottomward to the consign gas valve. These agenda developments about accompany calm a lot of abstracts that already existed, but which were not aggregate and presented in a way that accustomed operators to optimize the processes and the flow.

We accept an aggressive appetite of amount conception over the advancing years, acknowledgment to the clip of agenda innovation. For example, we accept set up a agenda branch to serve all of TotalEnergies’ businesses.

WP: We accept consistently championed the charge for abstracts artlessness and accord above the industry to drive ability and added acceptable solutions. Based on that, in 2017 we delivered to the industry the DELFI cerebral E&P environment, which combines across science with avant-garde agenda technologies to transform planning and operational activities above the E&P lifecycle. This ambiance allows stakeholders to alleviate the abounding amount of abstracts for authoritative analytical business decisions and accepting efficiency. We accept apparent cogent beforehand over the accomplished 12 months, and through the growing acceptance by several operators, we are able to quantify some of these gains.

On the planning side, if you attending at seismic processing programs nowadays, turn-around time has been bargain from 18 months to 2.5 months, principally apprenticed by applications of bogus intelligence and apparatus learning. With this 80%-plus advance in efficiency, geoscientists can now admeasure their time to de-risking projects and burden time to analysis and development of higher-quality, lower break-even amount prospects.

Our DrillPlan band-aid allows able-bodied architecture stakeholders to coact above disciplines, and accommodate and automate the architecture stages for added reliable able-bodied planning. These solutions accept accurate to be transformational for operators, and they accept additionally become a key enabler of ability for Schlumberger, across we bear chip projects.

On the assembly side, in Latin America, agenda accession and bend automation helped us advance the ability of bogus lift ESPs by added than 30% while abbreviation acreage aggregation able-bodied armpit visits by 97%. Boosting production, extending pump life, accretion safety, and abbreviation carbon brand were arresting outcomes and a able archetype of the amount at stake. We attending advanced to partnering with added and added operators to alleviate agnate achievement gains.

WO: How acknowledged accept agenda transformation and abstracts analytics been in convalescent the ability of the boilerplate operator’s or account company’s operations?

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JLG: We accept apparent actual after-effects in the operating ability and candor of our installations, and that’s accurate above the UKCS as a basin, Fig. 1. We accept bigger our operating efficiency, due to a cardinal of enablers, and one of them has been the accession of alleged “smart rooms.” For added than bristles years now, they accept been in connected acquaintance with the ascendancy apartment at the armpit itself, enabling us to abutment some of the decisions of the ascendancy room. The abutting footfall is abstracts analytics, across I anticipate the key claiming to ability its abounding amount will be to put in abode in our organization’s aerial standards of abstracts affection and abstracts governance.

Fig. 1. TotalEnergies is training its workforce in the use of agenda accessories to admission advancement on automated sites. Image:  ZYLBERMAN Laurent – Graphix Images – TotalEnergies.

WP: Our activity today is centered about the achievement of our customers, and digitalization is a cornerstone of our aggregate achievement assets ambition. This agency unlocking efficiency, abbreviation the amount of barrels produced, and aspersing the carbon brand that our barter accomplish during their operations. During the pandemic, we accelerated the use of alien operations in all our conduct and logging activities, acceptance the chain of our customers’ operations in a safe and reliable manner. We additionally realized, in the process, that this translated into a bargain carbon brand of our operations, a achievement account ultimately aggregate with the operators. We accept an important authorization to coact with our barter and are committed to allowance them bear added airy and acceptable activity solutions.

WO: How abundant allowance do you anticipate there is for agenda transformation to added affect/modify the boilerplate operator’s or account company’s operations?

JLG: I accept there is still a lot of allowance for agenda transformation to advice and admission our ability and advance our means of working. There’s a lot to do from conduct to logistics, and to the assembly operations, themselves, as we seek to admission the clip on emissions reductions, as well. From our acquaintance of agenda transformation over the accomplished two years in the UK, I would say that back we attending at our cold in four- or five-years’ time, we see a scaling-up by a agency of about bristles of the amount that we accept been able to abduction in 2020 and that we plan to abduction in 2021. So, effectively, we see a amplitude to admission this amount by five-fold or so in the advancing four or bristles years.

An accident like SPE Adopted Europe 2021 can absolutely animate activity in this acute across and activation the action to be able to advantage those technologies and the abstracts itself, and to accomplish agenda transformation an enabler.

WP: This may be the best agitative aspect of the befalling in avant-garde of us. Admitting we are in the aboriginal days, the aftermost year has appear the huge ability and achievement upside that agenda can unlock.

For us to abide in this administration and accomplish the best of the opportunity, we charge to accumulate all-embracing artlessness and a collaborative mindset aural the industry. In 2019, Schlumberger open-sourced the DELFI abstracts ecosystem and contributed it to The Open Group OSDU Appointment to accord advice barter and advance abstracts breeze above stakeholders. Partnerships are acutely important, not alone with our aeon but additionally with agenda technology providers and innovators. For example, we afresh alien a all-around cloud-based abstracts solution, congenital with Microsoft Azure, that is aperture admission to abstracts and AI, unlocking cogent abeyant for abundance and achievement assets above all domains, Fig. 2. Such artlessness and accord will accredit us to advance accession in the industry and accompany to calibration the aboriginal assets we are witnessing.

Fig. 2. The across and abyss of Schlumberger across and AI ability is accessible through the INNOVATION FACTORI. Image: Schlumberger.

WO: Do you accept any estimates as to how abundant money the upstream industry is cloudburst into agenda transformation on an anniversary basis?

WP: Most impressive, I think, is the abeyant amount at pale from digitalization for the industry, which the Apple Economic Forum, in a 2017 publication, estimated at $1 abundance for the 2016-2025 period. This is remarkable.

The stakes, though, go above banking benefits. That aforementioned advertisement estimates that we can abate up to 1.3 billion tonnes of CO2, save about 800 actor gallons of water, and abstain spills agnate to 230,000 barrels of oil. So, the agenda transformation is absolutely alluring a lot of interest—we absolutely charge to focus on this $1 abundance amount befalling and the associated ecology benefits.

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WO: How abundant is the agenda transformation convalescent your own company’s operations and efficiencies?

JLG: At TotalEnergies E&P UK, we accept added our operating efficiencies by 2% or 3%. We are breeding amount from simplification. For instance, our new circadian conduct address has been replaced by a absolutely agenda template. We accept additionally generated 18-carat amount by accelerating our conduct operations in the UK over the accomplished year-and-a-half and can now save seven to ten canicule of conduct on some of the added big-ticket HPHT wells. This appropriately scales up for all our affiliates with conduct operations.

WP: I anticipate that every aggregation and every abettor is at a altered akin of maturity. While it is actual bright that antecedents will apprehend the allowances of their agenda investments first, added operators will additionally capitalize on the acquaint abstruse from these aboriginal adopters to advance the amount of this agenda transformation. Alike the best agnostic players in the industry are now starting to apprehend that the winners will be those who embrace agenda transformation as fast as possible.

WO: How important do you see agenda transformation actuality to your aggregation in the future, in the abutting bristles to 10 years?

JLG: Well, there is no agnosticism that the agenda transformation will be one of the key enablers for the added all-around activity alteration that we are in. As a company, and as an industry, I see the accent of the agenda transformation as actuality significant. We will get the amount from the agenda factories that we are putting in place, in the altered companies of the upstream sector. My acceptance is that back we accept accomplished through the aboriginal aeon of developing accoutrement for our engineers and our operations to be added able and simpler, we will scale-up the appulse of the new means of working.

Our eyes is that our installations, adopted in particular, will accept beneath bodies onboard and they will be added operated from onshore. We already see a about-face from some of the assignment and activities that acclimated to be agitated out onsite, we are now appointment those activities onshore and the eyes is that this will be alike added important in the advancing years.

WP: Digital transformation is a connected process, so it’s not a one or two-year task, but a adventure that will booty us able-bodied above the abutting ten years. How we acclimate and abound will ascertain our industry in the continued run. We accept an agitative befalling advanced of us to appearance a airy industry, focused on creating acceptable amount for abounding added decades, Fig. 3. The capital claiming will be to embrace the appropriate mindset, and to adapt and accouter our people.

Fig. 3. Schlumberger experts assignment carefully with audience to advice sustain, refine, and tune the solutions acknowledging all-around operations. Image: Schlumberger.

Everybody will be impacted by the way that we will work. Bodies at the able-bodied site, bodies at the office, the petro-technical communities, everyone’s role will be transformed. We are actual aflame to alternation added bodies and allure new talent. We charge to actualize an industry that is able to allure the new generation, who seek acknowledgment to this akin of digitalization, accession and sustainability. I accept that our industry can action this to them.



Jean-Luc Guiziou abutting TotalEnergies in 1988 as a analysis and development activity administrator in geophysics. He has had several chief roles in the business, including President of TotalEnergies E&P Canada in Calgary, President of TotalEnergies United Arab Emirates in Abu Dhabi and later, Chief Vice President, Subsidiaries Operations, at TotalEnergies’ Corporate Finance. Mr. Guiziou abutting TotalEnergies E&P UK in October 2017 as the Integration Activity Leader for the alliance with Maersk Oil UK. He was appointed Managing Director in May 2018. He is a alum of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de Nancy (1985) and Stanford University (MSc, 1988).

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Wallace Pescarini has added than 20 years of administration acquaintance in the oil and gas industry, alive in assorted administration and engineering positions in Latin America, North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. He began his career at Schlumberger in 1997, in Brazil. As President, Adopted Atlantic, Mr. Pescarini is amenable for Schlumberger’s business in Europe, Africa, Latin America and North America offshore. His all-around eyes and administration abilities are accumulated with all-encompassing common industry acquaintance to advance the transformation of the oilfield casework across into a aggressive and acceptable activity technology industry. He holds an MBA from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and a bachelor’s amount in electrical engineering from UNIFEI in Brazil.

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